Best Time Get Boy Baby - Few Techniques For Giving Birth To a Baby Boy Rapidly

You can have a boy baby naturally with these different sexual positions

By having the male penetrate deeply during intercourse it will help to deposit the spermatozoa as close as possible to the cervix. The first position to consider using is the missionary position that can be altered in a couple of ways in order to give an even deeper penetration. A way to alter the missionary position to give deeper penetration is to lift the hips of the woman by place a pillow under her butt or bringing her knees to her chest. A rear entry sex position known as doggy style works well in that lifts the uterus flush with the vaginal opening (how to make a boy when trying to get pregnant). The spread eagle position with the female on her tummy with the legs spread far apart and a small pillow under her hips will raise the pelvis and help with conception. By having sex while standing up gravity will help you make a baby boy because the female X chromosome will be slowed down by gravity pulling it down. It is important that a woman has multiple orgasms during sex. The contractions of the uterus during orgasm will help move the spermatozoa through the vaginal canal and into the cervix. If the timing of the woman’s and man’s orgasms are also an important part and if the woman can be in the middle of hers when the man has his the sperm will have the best possibility of reaching the cervix. If a woman achieves orgasm it will convert the pH of her vagina to more alkaline that increases the survival rate of the male sperm.

The follicular phase of your cycle is when you are waiting to ovulate and starts on the first day of menstruation. During menstruation you are waiting to ovulate and this can vary from woman to woman and from month to month.  At the beginning of your cycle the lining of your uterus is nice and thick. If the ovum released during your previous cycle is not fertilized your estrogen and progesterone levels will begin to drop.  The low level of estrogen and progesterone shows your body that you aren’t pregnant and that it is time to start a new cycle by shedding the lining of your uterus (how to increase your chances of conceiving a boy). At the start of your cycle your pituitary gland starts producing hormones known as GnRH and FSH. As FSH stimulates your follicles they will begin maturing eggs inside of them for ovulation.  The maturation of the eggs inside the follicles will result in the discharge of estrogen into your body. Because your cycle started off with low levels of estrogen this release of estrogen from the follicles is how your body knows when it is time to ovulate.  To be sure you ovulate your body will release the Luteinizing Hormone.

When a woman knows what to look for she can track ovulation easily and naturally. An ovulation calendar helps a woman narrow down the window of time she needs to watch for ovulation signs. You must know the first day of your last menstrual cycle and the average number of days between cycles as the fertile period begins six days after the first day of menstruation. Keeping track of cervical mucus will help you know when your chances of becoming pregnant are most likely. If the mucus in your cervical canal is transparent and slightly elastic you are about to ovulate and your chances of being impregnated are higher. Your baseline body temperature changes on the day of ovulation and can be tracked. Expect an increase of approximately 0.4 to 0.8 degrees when you are ovulating. Take your temperature at a regular time and record it in order to see the patterns. If you don’t know the length of your menstruation cycles it can make it difficult to track fertility naturally.

Obey these techniques for timing sex and you will soon be pregnant with a baby boy

The timing of intercourse seems to have an effect on whether or not you will conceive a male. The most famous natural gender selection model is the Shettles' method that was first discovered in the seventies.  According to this method you can affect the gender of your baby by timing when you ovulate and have sex correspondingly. The spermatozoa transporting male chromosomes are speedier swimmers than the female spermatozoa but tend to die more quickly. If you have intercourse in the beginning of ovulation there will be lots of healthy male spermatozoa ready to fertilize the egg once it is released from the ovary.  If the timing is a day or two earlier more of the male spermatozoa will die out and a female baby is most likely (best time get boy baby). A male spermatozoa will most likely fertilize the ovum if you have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation. Avoiding sex or the man ejaculating during your pre-fertile phase will increase the man's spermatozoa count and increase your chance of having a boy. The benefit of the Shettles’ method is that it can be done in the privacy of your own home for free or low cost. Shettles claims that his methods for a boy have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.