Best Time To Conceive A Son - Discover Truths To Have a Boy Baby

There are many medical options in existence if you would like to become pregnant with a son

If you are having trouble conceiving you should visit a reproductive endocrinologist who will screen both partners for common physical abnormalities that cause infertility. A reproductive endocrinologist may recommend that you try other fertility treatments in order to conceive a baby. The Ericsson Technique was developed in the 1970’s and aims to separate son producing sperm and girl producing sperm. Once the sperm is segregated you will be inseminated with the spermatozoa that will enable you to conceive the gender you desire (intercourse positions to get pregnant with a male child naturally). Microsort transfers the preferred sperm into the uterus after dousing them with bright dye and separating them based on the bigger girl producing spermatozoa absorbing more dye and glowing brighter than the boy ones. In vitro fertilization is a complex medical procedure that involves the fertilization of your eggs outside of your body and then can be tested for their gender. IVF starts with a round of fertility drugs to stimulate your ovaries to produce several eggs for fertilization. Once the eggs are released a doctor will remove them from your body with a needle and fertilize them with sperm in a laboratory. A single cell is later removed from each of the resulting 4 day old embryos and tested for gender. The final step is the doctor placing the embryos of your desired gender back into your uterus with a catheter and you carry the baby until delivery.

To have a baby boy depends on the right timing of sexual contact. The most famous natural gender selection model is the Shettles' method that was first discovered in the seventies.  According to this method you can affect the gender of your baby by timing when you ovulate and have sex correspondingly. The spermatozoa transporting male chromosomes are speedier swimmers than the female sperm but tend to die more quickly. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation. A female baby is more likely if you have sex too early and all the male Y chromosome sperms die out before the ovum is released (how to conceive a boy naturally). A male sperm will most likely fertilize the egg if you have intercourse 12 hours before ovulation. Before and after ovulation be sure to use a condom during intercourse to prevent the possibility of conceiving on days when it is more likely to have girl. The Shettles’ method is easy and safe and does not require and drugs or invasive medical procedures. Shettles claims that his methods for a son have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.

Read about what supplements you can take to help you have a baby boy

There are different supplements that you can take in order to become pregnant with a male baby. The male sperm needs to get to the egg as soon as possible because it survives for a shorter period of time than female sperm. The faster swimming but weaker male spermatozoa sometimes needs help to get to the ovum before the longer living female sperm. If you know you do not produce enough fertile cervical mucus try taking the supplement Evening Primrose Oil to help support male sperm survival. You should start taking it a few months before you plan to conceive as it may take a couple months to see results. You can also try the supplement Guaifenesin that has also been known to help in conception of a male baby. Tablets are now available over the counter as an inexpensive alternative to buying the cough syrup that usually contains guaifenesin. By making the fertile mucus less viscous guaifenesin help the spermatozoa slip through the fluid rather than getting stuck in it. To use take 200mg with a full glass of water three times every day. Do not use guaifenesin during the rest of your cycle because it is only important that your fertile mucus is thinner during the time of intercourse.

Learn how high alkaline foods can make your body more receptive to having a son

Your diet either increases the pH level of your body or reduces it. A high pH level enables conceiving a baby girl while a low pH level enables for a boy. A high pH level creates a hostile environment in the vagina for the Y chromosome carrying sperm. If you would like to have a son it is important that you lower your pH by consuming high alkaline foods. Alkaline rich food tilts the pH level of the cervical fluid making it less acidic. A less acidic environment in your cervix enables the Y chromosome sperm to survive more easily and move more quickly to fertilize the ovum (best time to conceive a son). One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. In the months leading up to conception try to avoid eating foods that are pickled or contain vinegar. Foods such as almonds and green tea are high in alkaline properties and should be consumed. The lists of alkaline and acidic foods are long and you can find a food list easily to help you come up with a daily diet.