Positions To Do Intercourse To Get A Son - Two Strategies To Conceive a Son Easily

Learn what different supplements can change your body pH to help you get pregnant with a male baby

Supplements can also help in your goal to have a son. Since male sperm is weaker than female sperm and survives for a shorter period of time it needs to be helped to get to the ovum first.The faster swimming but weaker male spermatozoa sometimes needs help to get to the egg before the longer living female sperm. If you know you do not produce enough fertile cervical mucus try taking the supplement Evening Primrose Oil to help support male sperm survival (what to eat to get pregnant with a male baby). You should start taking it a few months before you plan to conceive as it may take a couple months to see results. Guaifenesin is another supplement that may be beneficial when you are trying to have a male baby. Tablets are now available over the counter as an inexpensive alternative to buying the cough syrup that usually contains guaifenesin. By making the fertile mucus less viscous guaifenesin help the sperm slip through the fluid rather than getting stuck in it. You should start by taking 200mg three times a day during the 5 days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation. In order to reap the full benefits of guaifenesin you should only use it during the five days before ovulation.

There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky and unfriendly to sperm. Products such as milk and yogurt should not be consumed if you would like to keep your body receptive to male sperm. Eat plenty of fruits but avoid eating blueberries as they are acidic and will lower the pH of your cervical fluid. Meats such as bologna and sausage should not be consumed because they contain many damaging nitrates. Foods that can change the levels of estrogen in your body should not be eaten as they are harmful to your fertility (best way to make a baby boy). Phytoestrogens such as soy products should not be eaten as they can offset your regular and healthy ovum release. Foods that contain high levels of sugar can also negatively skew your reproductive hormones. Examples of high sugar foods include candy and soda and artificial fruit drinks. There is also concern with women who desire to conceive consuming too much caffeine so try to limit your intake. Avoid eating seafood that typically contains mercury such as mackerel and swordfish.

Genes composed of DNA and proteins that determine our inherited traits as well as gender are called chromosomes. The arrangement of chromosomes determines the sex of everyone including your baby. The female gametes or eggs contain only the X sex chromosome. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes XY ad are called the heterogametic sex. When fertilization occurs the initial cell from which a fetus grows always inherits one of the mother’s X chromosomes. If a spermatozoa cell containing a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg the resulting baby will be XY or male. The Y chromosomes of males are fragile and weak in longevity. X chromosomes are slow movers in spite of being strong so the Y chromosomes of males can often swim faster. The moment of fertilization begins when a sperm from a male fuses with an ovum from a female. Some developmental disorders in either partner can change how the fertilization occurs.

Conceiving a baby son is dependent upon the hormones of the male and his sperm

Male factor infertility affects around half of all infertile couples so it’s important to understand how the male reproductive system works. The male reproductive structure is designed to perform the function of producing and maintaining male reproductive cells and sperm. The other important purpose is to produce and secrete male sex hormones that are responsible for maintaining the male reproductive system. If a man can generate Y chromosome carrying sperm that is normal and complete he will be able to reproduce a boy. The follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone regulate the production of sperm. Both the Follicle Stimulating hormone and the Luteinizing hormone are necessary for the manufacture of sperm but the main duty of LH is the production of testosterone (positions to do intercourse to get a son). The main hormone responsible for the development of male physiognomies like muscle and bone mass and sex drive is testosterone. The testes are responsible for making testosterone and for generating spermatozoa and within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that produce spermatozoa cells. A little over two months is all that is needed to mature spermatozoa and 12 billion are produced every month. Total spermatozoa health depends on the quantity and quality of spermatozoa and the ability to move.