Get Baby Boy Pregnancy - Find Out Secrets To Make a Son

Change your diet and increase the likelihood of having a baby boy

Make sure that you eat your daily breakfast when you are trying to make a son. If you miss breakfast this can give a false signal of reduction in glucose levels to the body. These depressed glucose levels may be interpreted by the body as indicating poor environmental conditions and low food availability. A state like this that resembles starvation may encourage girl embryo development instead of a boy. A study done by Dr. Mathews of England shows that there is an 87% larger likelihood in conceiving a son if you eat breakfast regularly (how to have a baby boy). So never skip breakfast and eat a cereal that is high in fiber and nutrients. Coffee drinking can also help increase your chance to become pregnant with a son. Since the spermatozoa responsible for making boys are faster swimmers than the girl making sperm the caffeine in coffee gives them extra strength to swim even faster. Also the faster the sperm swim the less they are exposed to the acidic cervical discharge that can kill them quickly. So you’re more likely to have a baby boy if your man drinks a strong cup of caffeinated coffee just before intercourse.

You can conceive a boy easily by adhering to these necessary body pH changes

The vaginal environment that male spermatozoa need to survive and thrive is one that is not acidic. You can create a higher pH environment where it is more likely that the Y chromosome spermatozoa will reach the egg before the X chromosome sperm. You can buy inexpensive pH test strips or a more accurate digital pH tester in local health food stores. An ideal vaginal pH will measure 8.0 to 9.9 on a scale of 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline (best way to conceive a boy). To test your pH you will need to reach into the vagina to touch the cervix and collect some mucus on your finger. Once you have some cervical mucus you can then test it with your pH strips or digital tester. Douching with baking soda before sex is recommended if you are really acidic. To make an alkaline douche dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda to lukewarm water and wait ten minutes. Insert the mixture into the vagina with a douche or a large syringe while lying down. Do not douche too much or you may strip your vagina of valuable bacteria that helps with vaginal health.

Many studies have been conducted to further enhance our knowledge of fertilization and conception of boys.

Understanding the complete picture of conception will be beneficial in your goal to make a boy. Some people are very fertile and can conceive boys very easily while others have to consult a medical professional. If a woman is infertile it may mean that she is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many treatments for infertility and may be used in concert with other methods. One home conception implement that can help with fertilization and conception of a male is known as the cervical cap insemination method. These cervical caps allow all the semen to be placed against the cervix for six hours which increases the chances of conception of a boy. When the reproductive structures of both the man and woman are fine but they still cannot conceive a boy a doctor can prescribe a course of ovarian stimulating medication. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you conceive a male baby. A doctor will typically recommend these two methods first as fertilization still occurs inside the body.

In order to become pregnant it is important to understand the male reproductive system and whether or not his spermatozoa is healthy. The main purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to produce and transport spermatozoa and protective fluid. Similar to females the entire male reproductive system is dependent on hormones. The development of standard and mature spermatozoa is the key to male fertility. Men use follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormones for the development of spermatozoa whereas women use them for the development of their eggs (get baby boy pregnancy). Follicle stimulating hormone fuels spermatozoa production in the testicles and the luteinizing hormone stimulates creation of testosterone. Testosterone is the male hormone that helps to maintain male sexual characteristics such as facial hair growth. The testes are responsible for making testosterone and for generating sperm and within the testes are coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules that produce sperm cells. A little over two months is all that is needed to mature sperm and 12 billion are produced every month. Sperm movement and the number of healthy spermatozoa might decline after age 50.